Author's articles (3)
#1 / 2009 Category: NATIONAL PROJECTSUnlike the contemporary economics' methods that deal with the inner effect (the effect that the learner gets from the education) or the macrolevel’s effect (the effect on the state's level), the authors of the article introduce innovative methods to estimate the economical efficiency of the personnel training investing and the investing payback period from the viewpoint of the organizations that finance the personnel training (the microlevel’s effect). It is based on the discounting conception. An additional point is that the methods take the higher and secondary professional education features into consideration, the organizations and educational institutions integration degrees, and allow estimating the economical efficiency of the specialist training investing at any time of the investment cycle according to actual and forward looking data. Also the article provides the methods' basic and specific features that take place when training expenses taken into account relating to different education levels and organizations and educational institutions integration degrees.
#4 / 2009 Category: SOCIOECONOMIC PROBLEMS OF THE REGIONSIn the article generalization of theoretical approaches to motivation and the wage is presented, shown that in a basis of formation of modern salary systems the updated vision of the worker should be necessary as main element of the organization, principal view of its resources by means of which development the organization can reach more effective results of the is industrial-economic activities.
#3 / 2010 Category: OPINIONS AND ASSESSMENTSThe aggravation of competitive struggle in the environment of globalization of social and economic, political and cultural processes in the world puts forward competitiveness of an enterprise as a priority problem of management. In modern market conditions the basic competitive advantage of the company is the effective application of the human capital, and in the first place, the youth as the basic carrier of innovative potential of development. Authors consider the organization of work with young experts from the point of view of the systematic approach. Development of innovative potential of a company on the basis of systematic work with young experts is also considered.