Author's articles (6)
#3 / 2010 Category: INNOVATION PRIORITIES OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENTThis article deals with transition way of economic of the Russian Federation on an innovative way of development. The special attention is given the internal social and economic environment of the organizations which, as a rule, counteracts development of innovative activity of the personnel. Ways of increase of innovative activity of the personnel are offered.
#1 / 2011 Category: FORMING OF SOCIAL QUALITY OF ECONOMIC GROWTHThis paper reviews the theoretical aspects of a company's intellectual capital. This capital consists of stock and movement of knowledge which is useful for organizing. There are three components of intellectual capital - human, social and organizational capital. The differences of intellectual and human capital are established. In particular, if human capital is characterized by mundane knowledge, the intellectual one - by the new, and if the products of human capital are the usual goods and services, the products of intellectual capital are the result of translating and implementing new knowledge. The coincidence of research subjects of the theory of intellectual capital and the theory of innovative enterprise development is shown. The concept of "intellectual potential of the enterprise" is introduced and the building structure is discussed. This potential consists of intellectual capital, patents and licenses unrealized by the enterprises, formalized ideas and hypotheses and undiscovered creative potential of the staff. Finally, a realization model of the intellectual potential of the company is proposed.
#4 / 2011 Category: SOCIAL ASPECTS OF AGRARIAN POLICYThis paper discusses the typical labour stimulation system in Russian agricultural enterprises, based on the tariff-salary system. It is shown that this scheme inevitably leads to equal wage distribution between all workers except piece-workers: this causes demotivation of time-worker, professionals and managers. Internal economic mechanism built on the basis of tariff-salary system does not correspond to market conditions. To solve the urgent problems of labour stimulation in the Russian agricultural companies in terms of market, a labour evaluation and payment system called «Rost» is suggested. It is already implemented in a number of agricultural enterprises of Perm and Chelyabinsk regions, showing high economic and social efficiency.
#1 / 2013 Category: OPINIONS AND ASSESSMENTSThe article deals with topical issues of modernization of the Russian economy. Argues «modernization from above» only by the state is not possible. It is necessary to participate in this historic process business and labor organizations. However, depicts a large government role in providing incentives for upgrading business and labor, to overcome the monopoly in the economy. Only competition can force the Russian organization «chase» for innovation. Along with this article shows the role of the state in encouraging businesses to invest in staff organizations, and involve employees into ownership and control. In this regard, the experience of some developed countries are showed. The special attention is paid to the choice of the path of economic modernization in Russia. «Westernization» is described as a dead-end road of modernization, which is promising for a modernization of the national model for the example of a number of Eastern countries. The paper also shows the feasibility of the modernization of labor relations in the example of «Uralelectromed».
#1 / 2014 Category: INNOVATIVE AND INVESTMENT POTENTIAL OF A REGIONIn the article, the ways of influence of corporate culture on innovative activity of staff of enterprises are considered. The authors understand the corporate culture of the enterprise as the system of cultural, moral, esthetic and other wealth, which is used and introduced in labor life of employees by employers and CEO. On the basis of this system, the enterprise norms and rules of the relations of workers, customs, traditions etc. are developed. The corporate culture of the enterprise is connected with the general culture of the people of the country, it reflects on this or that form, to some extent, but it can contradict it. In this case, the conflict of cultural values of the enterprise and workers is possible. In the article, much attention is paid to influence of corporate culture of Japanese corporations on innovative activity of their workers. It is shown that high innovative activity of the personnel is provided not with separate systems of material and moral incentive, but with all system of the labor relations built on the basis of corporate culture. In the center of corporate culture, there is a person, instead of goods and services. It can be found in such systems of work with staff as “lifelong hiring”, account system in a salary of “vital peaks” of employees, staff turnover, training at the workplace etc. The corporate culture of Toyota corporation is based on the business philosophy, according to which, the main socio-economic purpose is the ensuring the welfare of its employees and improvement of life of the population of the whole world. In the article is shown that in the conditions of transition of the Russian Federation to the market economy, there were basic changes in corporate culture of the enterprises. Market business-culture according to which the main thing for the enterprise is profit, and workers are only one of means of production, was included in a contradiction with a mentality of the Russian people, its cultural and moral wealth that caused mass opportunistic behavior of workers including their innovative passivity. At the same time, in the article is shown that in these conditions, the high innovative activity of employees of the Russian enterprises on the basis of introduction of stimulation system of innovative activity of employees “Innovation” is possible. In the article, the mechanism of the increase of innovative activity of staff of the enterprises on the basis of corporate culture is offered.
#1 / 2015 Category: REGIONAL SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC PROBLEMSThe article deals with the basic theoretical questions of the company competitiveness assessment. The state of modern economic thought on this issue is shown. The main factors of the company competitiveness are specified. A specific role of staff of an enterprise is revealed: on the one hand, it is a resource, on the other is a subject, resulting in productive movement all factors of competitiveness, i.e. the staff is a critical factor in the company competitiveness. The criterion of company competitiveness is proposed, on its basis, the concept of “competitive enterprise” is defined. The most well-known approaches for assessing the company competitiveness are analyzed. The author’s method of the company competitiveness assessment based on the dynamics of the integral index of competitiveness is provided. For those cases, when it is impossible to determine the proportion of products on the market, it is proposed to evaluate the company competitiveness on the profitability of its production. The article shows the experience in calculating of the company competitiveness on the proposed author’s methods.