Author's articles (3)
#2 / 2015 Category: MODERN TOOLS FOR THE ANALYSIS AND MANAGEMENT OF ECONOMIC PROCESSESIn the article, the contemporary issues of the reproduction of the Russian population, their reasons, and state policy toward them are considered. Relevance of the task solution of assessment of the most expected birth rate dynamics of the Russian population in future in the conditions of low norms of the parenthood status taking into account the influence of government measures for the birth rate stimulation is proved. In order to achieve this objective, on the basis of the behavior probability distribution function of crude birth rate, the probabilistic assessment of the future birth rate dynamics of the Russian population was conducted. On the basis of the modernized Hirst method, two expected dynamics trajectories of crude birth rate were constructed: the first trajectory corresponds to the scenario at which the value of crude birth rate will be in the range of 8-10,5 born / 1000 people (probability — 0,182), including the negative external impact, the second trajectory will be in the range of 13-16,5 born / 1000 people (probability — 0,618), including the positive external impact. In spite of the fact that these scenarios are quite different, the dynamics trajectories of crude birth rate predicted according to them during the period of 2015-2041 that corresponds to the time of the reliable prediction are almost identical. The analysis of the received results enabled to conclude that the state population policy cannot affect the future dynamics of the birth rate due mainly to to the conjunctural changes.These conclusions confirm the intellectual vested interest of the academic circles that government regulation of a demographic situation in Russia has to be aimed, first of all, at the health improvement and increase of the expected life interval of the population.
#4 / 2015 Category: NEW RESEARCH INTO REGIONAL ECONOMY PROBLEMSIn the article, the approach based on the authors’ hypothesis is considered: the development of Russia has specific characteristics (on the one hand, its size, mentality and certain closed nature of its economy, on the other hand, the considerable dominating resource and human potential, and, as the result, its real role in the world economic community). The diagnostics of these characteristics (at the level of the individual’s welfare and territory of accommodation) reveals crises, estimates threats to region socio-economic development at early stages and helps to evaluate the state of a region for 3-5 years. In other words, managers have time necessary for rapid response to the crisis phenomena and administrative mistakes, for decreasing the impact of the arising threats. The purpose of the article is to present the theoretical and methodological tools of the appearing threats recognition at their early stages, which allows to enter the crisis period with smaller losses. Computational experiments to classify the prior socio-economic crises have been conducted (9 possible options are considered), the trajectories of change of the main indicators of the individual’s welfare and territory of residence influenced by various factors are digitized. On the basis of the proposed approach (named as the economic tomography), the attempt of the comprehensive assessment of the state of Russian typical representative regions is made.
#2 / 2016 Category: NEW RESEARCH INTO REGIONAL ECONOMY PROBLEMSThe article presents the flowchart of the and analysis and information system “Anti-crisis” intended for the integrated assessment of the parameters of the economic security of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. This system takes into account the risks, threats and their forecasting. The scheme reflects the interaction of separate program modules. The integration of modules with the unified database management system is described: access to the database, automatic backup and recovery of databases in real time, data transmission through an open channel with the use of modern encryption-decryption algorithm. The main units of the system are allocated: a diagnostic block of the economic security condition, block of the well-being of an individual and the territory of residence, block of extremism, correlation block, block of modelling and forecasting the security of the entities of the Russian Federation. Within the block of the modelling, the main generalized mathematical model based on the system of the nonlinear differential equations and created for the purpose to take into account the correction coefficients, as well as all types of interaction of indicators, is given. The main types of optimization problems of the interaction of indicators by using the generalized model, are compiled. On the basis of the developed optimization problems, the forecasting from 2016 to 2020 is made.