Author's articles (6)
#3 / 2010 Category: INSTITUTIONS OF DEVELOPING INNOVATIVE ECONOMYAuthor Sukhovey A. F.,In this article is developed a role of innovation complexes of a region at the base of analysis of foreign and domestic experience of organization science-technological complexes. Main reasons, braking innovation transformations in Russia are cleared. For example of Russia it is shown, that unsystematic forming objects of innovation infrastructure without interaction with needs of development region and state its science-technical and industrial potential do not taken to positive change at economy and do not help to activation of innovation processes. Peculiarity different innovation complexes as instrument of social-economic policy, its participation at decision, those actual problems as overcoming of decline traditional branches of industry, forming high-tech sector, rise of outlaying districts, rise of competitive ability of industry were cleared. It is given special attention to possibility of innovation complexes as effective mechanism passing of technologies, allowing to create favorable conditions to subjects of innovation activity and to speed up process “research — production”. Measures to foundation of effective innovation infrastructure as one conditions of acceleration innovation development in Russia are offered.
#2 / 2013 Category: INNOVATION AND INVESTMENT POTENTIAL OF REGIONAuthor Sukhovey A. F.,This article is based on the analysis of domestic and foreign experience of innovation infrastructure. It identifies the main problems of modern development of innovation systems and the reasons for their poor performance in the Russian regions. The approach using of innovation infrastructure as a tool of modernization of regional socioeconomic systems is proposed. The author emphasizes the urgency of ensuring sustainable development of Russia not only through the development of breakthrough technologies in the production of structural materials with preset characteristics, genetic engineering, molecular biology, but also through the rapid development of technology is directly related to the modernization of the industrial complex. The necessity of the correlation between socioeconomic and innovation policies is proved. Common paths and directions of increase of efficiency of the existing and created objects of innovation infrastructure in Russia taking into account the actual needs and priorities of socioeconomic development of the regions are outlined.
#1 / 2014 Category: INNOVATIVE AND INVESTMENT POTENTIAL OF A REGIONBased on the analysis of the main indicators of innovative development of the Russian Federation for 2006–2013, the most acute problems and risks impeding the transition economy of Russian regions to the innovative model are revealed. There are problems of a further narrowing of the science sector, the continued reduction of human scientific potential, extremely slow formation of innovation sector, in particular the small increase of the share of innovation active enterprises, as well as volumes of their new products. The article pays particular attention to the tasks of improving regional innovative policy aimed at creating of the conditions for the formation and expanded reproduction of full-cycle innovation, involvement the business sector in the innovation processes, and the correlation between the regions innovation and socio-economic policies.
#4 / 2014 Category: SOCIO-ECONOMIC PROBLEMS OF REGIONSAuthor Sukhovey A. F.,In the article, an approach to the innovation of security as an essential element of national security, reflecting the state of the innovation potential of the country (the region) is proposed. The author suggests to understand the innovative security as the ability of the state to ensure such level of development of the innovation system, which is required for the stable and dynamic socio-economic activity of a country (region), its growth of well-being, the maintenance of its defense, economic and technological autonomy and independence. The main internal and external threats to innovative security, creating obstacles to the realization of the country’s interests and tasks in the field of innovation, including the destruction of Russia’s scientific and technological potential, human resources capacity in science and scientific schools, lowering the quality of the training and retraining of specialists for scientific-technical, and innovation activity, increasing the gap between science and industry, the destruction and complication due to recent political developments, scientific communication and relations of Russia with a number of countries of the CIS and the world are revealed. The major tasks to ensure innovative security of the Russian Federation are formulated.
#1 / 2015 Category: REGIONAL SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC PROBLEMSThe article is devoted to the identification of the characteristics and priorities of innovation and technological development in the industrial regions of the Russian Federation in the context of the ongoing global crisis. The authors come from the hypothesis that, in these circumstances, the strategy of innovative development of industrial regions, in order to ensure their sustainability and the creation of conditions for further growth, should be an integral part of their industrial policies and focus primarily on the modernization and improvement of technical and technological level of basic units. On the basis of the analysis of statistical data about the status of the innovation capacity in the Russian Federation, the authors have identified the root causes of the continuing backlog of advanced foreign countries by the level of innovative development (raw-material orientation of the Russian economy that enhances the technological dependence of the developed countries; insufficient financial support for innovation activities by the state; the orientation of innovation in imitation and borrowing). The necessity to take into account in the development and implementation of the socio-economic strategic regions of the Russian Federation and the close relationship between the industrial-technological and innovation component of social development is proved. In order to improve the effectiveness of regional development policies, the classification of Russian regions considering their industrial and technological specialization is proposed, the required elements and characteristics of effective innovation systems for each type of region are allocated. In the article, the proposals on measures of the state support for innovation development of industrial regions, with the aim of improving their sustainability and competitiveness in the face of geopolitical and economic uncertainty are determined. The article is addressed to professionals in the field of theory and practice in the management of innovative processes.
#2 / 2005 Category: INNOVATION ACTIVITYAuthor Sukhovey A. F.,The article analyzes the characteristics of modern forms of organization of innovative activity abroad and in Russia. Particular attention is given to innovative areas. It shows their importance as centers of activation of innovative processes and modernization of the economy in the regions. Actual problems of the legal framework that supports the territorial forms of organization of innovative activity in the Russian Federation.